Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Box Tops Competition Final Totals!!

The Box Tops Competition for the first part of the school year has ended. Thank you all so much for your support of this program. Here are the classroom totals:

Davenport a.m. - 709
Davenport p.m. - 890
McCammon a.m. - 440
McCammon p.m. - 635
Olson - 569
Martineau - 864
McLaren - 705
Brian - 425
Bogard - 201
Olson - 1,119 (3rd place)
O'Rullian - 634
Havens - 441
Boren - 384
Julian - 124
Patience - 890
Knibbs - 500
Andrus - 1,568 (1st place)
Inglet - 1,542 (2nd place)
Smith - 201
Curtis - 305
Scott - 94

I will be contacting the winners!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Music Program

Please come to see your child perform tomorrow.  There are two performances.  2nd, 4th and 5th grade and PM Kindergarten will perform at 1:45pm.  1st, 3rd, 6th & AM Kindergarten will perform at 6:30pm.  Hope to see you there.
While you at the school please be sure to vote in the Plant Facility Election.  You can participate in any school in the district from 8am-8pm.

Santa's Workshop

Santa's Workshop will run December 6-10, parents can view on Tuesday from 9am-1:15pm and 3pm-6pm.  Your child will have a specific time assigned to look at the items and will bring home a list.  Any questions call Felicia Bawden.