Saturday, September 13, 2008

25 Cent Friday!

Wow- who new how successful our first day of 25 cent Friday would be! I think every kid in that school brought money. Shari Bruce and I were working at the table and almost everything we had sold out! It was pandemonium at it's best! The kids were really excited and seemed to really love the whole thing. It made pretty good money for the first time too! If there is anyone who wants to help with this on Friday's, call Shari Bruce or post a comment here. We will need 2 people at least for a little while. I think Shari has made a schedule for the first couple of months, but she made need more help, or fill ins! Also a reminder- the cookie dough sale will be starting this week. I hope everyone is getting ready for this! I really hope it will be very successful.

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