Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Box Tops Competition Final Totals!!

The Box Tops Competition for the first part of the school year has ended. Thank you all so much for your support of this program. Here are the classroom totals:

Davenport a.m. - 709
Davenport p.m. - 890
McCammon a.m. - 440
McCammon p.m. - 635
Olson - 569
Martineau - 864
McLaren - 705
Brian - 425
Bogard - 201
Olson - 1,119 (3rd place)
O'Rullian - 634
Havens - 441
Boren - 384
Julian - 124
Patience - 890
Knibbs - 500
Andrus - 1,568 (1st place)
Inglet - 1,542 (2nd place)
Smith - 201
Curtis - 305
Scott - 94

I will be contacting the winners!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Music Program

Please come to see your child perform tomorrow.  There are two performances.  2nd, 4th and 5th grade and PM Kindergarten will perform at 1:45pm.  1st, 3rd, 6th & AM Kindergarten will perform at 6:30pm.  Hope to see you there.
While you at the school please be sure to vote in the Plant Facility Election.  You can participate in any school in the district from 8am-8pm.

Santa's Workshop

Santa's Workshop will run December 6-10, parents can view on Tuesday from 9am-1:15pm and 3pm-6pm.  Your child will have a specific time assigned to look at the items and will bring home a list.  Any questions call Felicia Bawden.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Canned Food Drive

Please help our school with the canned food drive.  Non-perishable items need to be brought to the school no later than tomorrow!!  Thanks-there is a lot of need for food even in out little community.  We appreciate all your donations so far and willingness to help!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Calling All Cooks!

We are extending the deadline for recipe submission! You now have until Tuesday November 30 to send in your recipes. There is no cost to you to submit your recipes so give us all you've got! To make it a little easier for you we have set up an e-mail account that you can send your recipes to instead of filling out all those pesky little forms. (discoverydragons@gmail.com) Please include all the same information that you would on the form and don't forget your phone # so that we can contact you if we need to. Now, go dig out your recipes and send them in.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Box Tops Class Competition Totals!

Here are the class totals as of 11/10/2010. Remember the class with the most box tops collected receives a great reward (I'm thinking a pizza party)! Keep up the good work and keep clipping those box tops! The competition will end December 6th.

Davenport a.m. - 647
Davenport p.m. - 712
McCammon a.m. - 344
McCammon p.m. - 423
Olson - 508
Martineau - 834 (2nd place)
McLaren - 266
Brian - 361
Bogard - 50
Olsen - 756 (3rd place)
O'Rullian - 523
Havens - 396
Boren - 311
Julian - 55
Patience - 677
Knibbs - 398
Andrus - 926 (1st place)
Inglet - 143
Smith - 173
Curtis - 305
Scott - 93

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Parent/Teacher Conferences and Book Fair

This week we have parent-teacher conferences scheduled.  If you have an appointment set you should have received notification for that.  If not please contact your child's teacher (click here for a link to the emails).  There is also the Scholastic Book Fair in the library all week.  Please feel free to come in during school hours and see what great deals they have on books for your child as well as the teacher's wish list!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Harvest Festival

Come join us Thursday, October 28 for the Harvest Festival from 6-8pm.  All proceeds are going to help the teachers with supplies for the year.  You can still purchase punch cards for $4.50 (50 cent discount) today and tomorrow.

There are also raffle tickets for themed baskets for participating classrooms-all money going to that class!!!  These are $1 each or six for $5.

The PTO is helping provide bake sale items.  So if you have time (or want to purchase some items to donate) please deliver them during school hours on THURSDAY or bring them to the festival (no one will be there after school to deliver them to.)

Hope to see you Thursday!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Calling all great cooks

Do you have a recipe that everyone asks you for? Do you have a family favorite that your kids love and always request? If so, we need your recipes. The Discovery community is putting together a cookbook and we need your submissions. Recipe forms and instructions will be coming home with your kids this week so keep your eyes open and dig out your most beloved recipes.

Monday, October 18, 2010


A big thank you to everyone that participated in the Read-A-Thon. It was a huge success and the kids did awesome with their reading and gathering pledges. The total reading minutes for the whole school was 167,000 minutes.

The highlight, of course, was Mr. Marlowe riding "Ralphie" the camel and giving him a big kiss.
Congratulations to Jamyn and Whitney L. who also got a ride on "Ralphie" for collecting the most pledges.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

PTO Meeting!

Please join us for the meeting this month. 
Thursday, October 14, 2010 
7 PM
See you there!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Box Tops for Education

We are off to a great start this year on Box Tops! Thank you to all who saved up over the summer.

There may be some questions regarding the Bonus Box Tops with a code that has to be entered in at a website. There are a couple of options as to what to do with these: 1) Send them to school with your child and I will enter them in and give credit to your child and classroom. 2) Enter them in yourself. If you do this, and want your child to get credit for it, please send them to school with your child's name and teacher. It would also be helpful if you could indicate that these have already been input to the website.

There will also be a classroom competition with a prize for the classroom with the most box tops. The competition will end sometime in December. The box tops can be sent to school using the collection sheets from the website or in bags of 50. If you have any questions, please contact Heather Jensen at heatherjensen@cableone.net or 589-3445.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

PTO Meeting!

Don't forget about the PTO meeting tonight. 
Thursday, September 9
 7 PM

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to School Night- August 25

 Wednesday, August 25 is back to school night.  It will be from 7-8:30pm.  Come and meet your child's teacher, see the classrooms and drop off all those reams of paper.  You will also have the opportunity to sign up to be a volunteer in the classroom and other PTO needs.  See you there.

FYI-class lists will be posted on Monday, August 23 about 3pm

Monday, August 16, 2010

Registration Tomorrow 8/17/2010

We are holding registration tomorrow from 9am-1pm.  You can come anytime during those hours.  You will receive a packet of information including a school supply list and you will also need to pay the registration fees.  The fee for this year is $24 per child.  If you have any questions contact Judy Ritter (the secretary) at the school.  522-7711.  If you have previously registered your kindergärtner at round-up then you don't need to come tomorrow.  Hope to see many of you there.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Back to School Already?!!

Can't believe it's time for Back to School already. There will be registration on August 17 from 9am-1pm. We are in need of volunteers to help out that day. It would require being there for only 2 hours. Please contact Jaimee Sorensen 523-5865 if you are available!! Thanks.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

And the winners are. . .

Here are the total for the competitions:

Pizza Party or Ice Cream Party:
McCammom AM (1690 box tops collected) AND Smith (1709 box tops collected) (the competition was so fierce I had parents bringing them to me after school so both classes will be awarded!!)
2nd Place - Davenport AM (1473) (Ice Cream sandwiches and Pop)
3rd Place - Patience (912) Popsicles

FAMILY COMPETITION (Again wow so close, but there can be only 1 winner)
Seward Family (Erica, Nathan & Ashley totaled 915) $50 Gift Certificate to Craigos
Saunders Family (Kaeden & Megan totaled 894) 5 kids meals to Red Robin

Wow can I say this was so close!!!! Thanks to all who have contributed!! Our school has already exceeded it's goal for the year and I still have more to mail in!!! Thanks to everyone!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Updated totals for Class Competition 4/28/2010

The current class totals are: (as of the collection from 4/26)
Davenport AM -874 (2nd place as of 4/26)
Davenport PM-282
McCammon AM - 1091 (1st place as of 4/26)
McCammon PM-94
Bair -4454
Martineau-682 (4th place as of 4/16)
Crager- 87
Olsen - 527
Patience-731 (3rd place as of 4/26)
Smith-582 (5th place as of 4/16)
Ames - 25

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Updated totals for Class Competition

We are ending the box tops competition on April 30 (by the end of the day). All box tops that want to be counted for the classroom competition (pizza or ice cream party) need to be in to the office, your teacher or me by the end of the school day on April 30!!!

The current class totals are: (as of the collection from 4/16)
Davenport AM -830 (2nd place as of 4/16)
Davenport PM-272
McCammon AM - 935 (1st place as of 4/16)
McCammon PM-70
Bair -403
Martineau-682 (3rd place as of 4/16)
Crager- 64
Olsen - 462
Patience-544 (5th place as of 4/16)
Smith-582 (4th place as of 4/16)
Ames - 25

The family that has brought in the most box tops for the school year will win a $50 gift certificate to Craigos!! If you have children with different last names in the same family please contact me so I can make sure they are counted together!!!
Thanks Jaimee Sorensen, mark.jaimee@gmail.com or 523-5865

Friday, April 9, 2010

Box Tops Final Month

We are ending the box tops competition on April 30 (by the end of the day). All box tops that want to be counted for the classroom competition (pizza or ice cream party) need to be in to the office, your teacher or me by the end of the school day on April 30!!!

The current class totals are: (as of the collection from 2 weeks ago)
Davenport AM -635
Davenport PM-114
McCammon AM - 642
McCammon PM-65
Bair -303
Crager- 54
Olsen - 179
Ames - 25

The family that brings in the most box tops will win a $50 gift certificate to Craigos!! If you have children with different last names int he same family please contact me so I can make sure they are counted together!!!
Thanks Jaimee Sorensen, mark.jaimee@gmail.com or 523-5865

Thursday, March 11, 2010


The PTO is having a READ-A-THON fundraiser. Your student will be given a packet with information and a collection envelope. They can collect pledges from parents, family, friends and neighbors to sponsor their reading. 100% of the proceeds will go to the school. The PTO plans to use the money raised during this event to enhance the school environment and provide materials and/or resources for the students, staff, and teachers of Discovery Elementary.

Our school goal for reading minutes is 50,000. Each teacher will help the students to set a personal reading goal. We want all students to participate in the Read-a-Thon whether they collect pledges or not.

The students can collect pledges in fixed amounts from
March 12th -19th.

From March 15th -21st the students must read or be read to daily. There is a reading log to record their minutes read each day. The students must return their VERIFICATION SLIPS to school each day to be eligible for the book fair certificate drawings.

From March 20th-24th the money needs to be collected from the sponsors and returned in the envelope to school. All envelopes need to be returned to the school by Thursday, March 25th.

If the school meets the reading goal of 50,000 reading minutes, Mr. Marlowe will kiss a PIG.

Every student that participates and meets their goal will get a ribbon and a coupon for a free Friday treat. Every student that meets their goal and gets $40 or more in pledges will get a medal. The student with the most pledges and meets their goal in each class will receive a trophy. The class with the most collective pledges will get a trophy to keep in their classroom for the remainder of the year.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Fruit Snacks at Albertsons

Many of you may have already bought these-but I'm posting about it here too!!
Albertsons is running a great deal on Betty Crocker fruit snacks-
Buy 5 for $1 each and receive $3.50 (on a printable coupon called a catalina) for your next purchase. Purchase the next 5 boxes, use your coupon that printed from before and pay $1.80 for those 5. The best part is another coupon will print. You can do this for as many boxes (in groupos 5) as you would like. The reason I am posting this here is that there are BOX TOPS on the boxes-some even have bonus box tops (2 extra)!!!!!!! If you have any questions you can call Jaimee Sorensen 523-5865.

There are a few coupons you can print to make the deal a little better. You can print each one 2 times.

$0.50 off 2 boxes at coupons.com
$0.50 off 2 boxes at boxtops4education.com (while you are there sign up and we will receive 5 bonus box tops for each person who does)
$0.50 off 2 at Bettycrocker.com (you will need to sign up for the newsletter to print the coupon)

Enjoy and happy clipping!!!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Kindergarten Registration

All elementary schools in the school district will be holding Kindergarten Registration on

Monday, March 8, 9am-1pm
Your child must 5 years old on or before September 1, 2010

Please bring:
your child (they will have a quick screening to help you better determine their readiness)
Certified Birth Certificate (the official one, the one from the hospital doesn't work)
Immunization Records (needs to be up to date)
Proof of Address (utility bill, drivers license, etc)
(if you don't have these things you will still be able to register your child but will be placed in the unfinished pile of paperwork and you may not get AM or PM as requested.
A check for $14 made out to Discovery Elementary

After a screening, your child will receive a summer activity packet!!
Any questions call the school at 552-7711

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Barnes & Noble Bookfair

Don't forget about the Barnes & Noble Book fair tonight. See the post below or here to find out performance times. The class with the most kids receives a prize. Please have your children there 15 minutes early!! Thanks!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Barnes & Noble Bookfair

Barnes and Noble is hosting a bookfair for our school!!
Thursday, February 25th & Friday, February26th, 9am-10pm

The students will perform at the following times:
Thursday, February 25

6:00-6:15pm Pre-School
6:15-6:30pm Kindergarten

6:30-6:45pm Story time with Mrs. Pickett
6:45-7:00pm Story time with Mrs. Fell

7:00-7:15pm 1st Grade
7:15-7:30pm 2nd Grade

7:30-7:45pm Story time with Mrs. Inglet
7:45-8:00pm Story time with Mr. Marlowe

Friday, February 26

6:00-6:15pm 3rd Grade
6:15-6:30pm 4th Grade

6:30-6:45pm Story time with Mrs. Pickett
6:45-7:00pm Story time with Mrs. Fell

7:00-7:15pm 5th Grade
7:15-7:30pm 6th Grade

7:30-7:45pm Story time with Mrs. Inglet
7:45-8:00pm Story time with Mr. Marlowe

Call the school if you have any questions, 552-7711

Help for Haiti

The school is collecting items to send to the earthquake victims in Haiti. Please send new items of:

Send these items to school with your children and they will bring them to the office. Please call the school 552-7711 if you have any questions.