Sunday, May 2, 2010

And the winners are. . .

Here are the total for the competitions:

Pizza Party or Ice Cream Party:
McCammom AM (1690 box tops collected) AND Smith (1709 box tops collected) (the competition was so fierce I had parents bringing them to me after school so both classes will be awarded!!)
2nd Place - Davenport AM (1473) (Ice Cream sandwiches and Pop)
3rd Place - Patience (912) Popsicles

FAMILY COMPETITION (Again wow so close, but there can be only 1 winner)
Seward Family (Erica, Nathan & Ashley totaled 915) $50 Gift Certificate to Craigos
Saunders Family (Kaeden & Megan totaled 894) 5 kids meals to Red Robin

Wow can I say this was so close!!!! Thanks to all who have contributed!! Our school has already exceeded it's goal for the year and I still have more to mail in!!! Thanks to everyone!!!!!!!!!

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